Sacred Cyberspace

Carving out a little piece of cyber-space for a bunch of people to discuss, work through, share real matters of faith.

Monday, September 19, 2005

In the beginning...

"We need other people around us to share the load." Brian McLaren.

Read Colossians 1:12-17

Everyone of us knows that we are in the church. Are we aware that we are already in the Kingdom of God? We are! It is not here in fullness, nor as a physical reality. This verse says very clearly that we are already in the Kingdom of His dear Son. This is a spiritual reality that we must consider in relation to the church to grasp the importance of the church. The church is a portion of the Kingdom of God. It is not its fullness but a part. John W. Ritenbaugh

How do you see "the Kingdom of God"? Heaven? Something we get only when we die or are raptured? Or is it something, as Paul suggests, that we already live in? If so, what is this thing called the "Kingdom of God"?



Blogger jpunk5 said...

hey, i have to do some research first, but i just wanted to show that this place is being used.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 7:55:00 a.m.  
Blogger Cheryl said...

I'd have to think about it a little more, but I think Jesus brought the kingdom, the "upside-down kingdom" to be exact. Messing up everyone's ways of thinking, moving people towards identity in Christ alone

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 8:07:00 a.m.  
Blogger Tom said...

Checking in. Way to open up with a hard question! ;)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005 12:59:00 p.m.  
Blogger Michael said...

I have to admit, I always thought it was heaven, but a lot of my own personal reading has lead me to believe that it's here, right now. As Christians we're already apart of this kingdom (though I think Jesus wouldn't use the work "kingdom" today). Like Cheryl says, it's an upside down kingdom, where last are first, the meek inherit the earth, etc. But, and here's my problem... how do we live in this kingdom?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005 8:18:00 p.m.  
Blogger jpunk5 said...

well, without doing any research yet...Jesus lived the kingdom by acting like Jesus, ergo, we live the kingdom by acting like Jesus. so, the real question is, how to you act like Jesus?

Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:20:00 a.m.  
Blogger Tom said...

Well, I myself also being lazy and not doing any research, submit what occurs to me now...

The Kingdom is as far as the King rules, is it not? As it happens, our King rules everywhere. Yet he's given us our own hearts, autonomous states succeeded from his. We as Christians remain in a weird place: we belong to Him yet we constantly rebel.

The Bible contains a number of passages talking about how we are different, in the world but not of the world, how we're bought with a price. Yet the evidence is overwhelming that in some ways we remain the same, we falter, we give in to our old nature. I still walk my own two feet each day. I've been 'dead to sin' for years, yet I could name some of mine this very week. We Christians are indeed a paradox. In the world, in the Kingdom, all at once, at all times.

I can name numerous sins I've avoided too, thanks to Jesus, and I know I'm cleansed by blood. So at the end of life's refining I can see a solid gold future.

Mm. Maybe a bit overwritten? I don't mean to sound so final about my opinion. I think sometimes I don't know how to write into a discussion... :)

Friday, September 23, 2005 2:28:00 a.m.  
Blogger jpunk5 said...

ok, so, the other day we were doing a Bible study on genesis 1&2 with the senior high, and it came up that the ladies didn't like that eve was made from adam's rib in order to be his "helper." i assured them that equality is found all over the Bible and that the word "helper" doesn't connote subserviency, and i also told them that i'd do more research on it. in my research i found that i was pretty much on the ball. in the beginning God created male and female completely equal. now, we could talk about roles, and how men and women have different roles (i know i can't be pregnant), but the main point here is that after the fall, the Bible does say man will rule over woman in the curses portion of the fall. now, is God saying this because he's cursing them, or is he saying this because, because of the fall, this is what will happen? i lean towards the latter. anyways, what does this have to do with the Kingdom of God? well, i figure that the Kingdom of God always slowly moving towards completion, and that will happen whenever Jesus feels like coming back, BUT, the kingdom will probably look a lot like the garden of eden did, SO, in terms of gender equality, and you can use this logic for any number of situations, it is our duty, as Christians, to attempt to restore the kingdom as much as we possibly can. this is why Christian must believe in gender equality. this is why the man and the woman should be equal in Christian relationships. this is why Christians are on the cutting edge, but sometimes we don't realize it. our job: restore the kingdom by doing things, and acting in a way that tries to get that kingdom-living way back!!

Friday, September 23, 2005 8:45:00 a.m.  
Blogger Michael said...

I KNOW I don't want to be pregnant.

These are some good thoughts, jpunk. So, if the Garden of Eden was God's original vision of how we would live (in perfect relationship with Him and each other), the Kingdom of God should look like this.

Friday, September 23, 2005 10:12:00 a.m.  
Blogger jpunk5 said...

i couldn't have summarized it better myself!!

Friday, September 23, 2005 10:31:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of "kingdom things" do we do when each person has a different view of the "kingdom", though (I'm sure) they all connect somewhat. Is there any clear definition of what "the kingdom" is?...I'm going to look that up.

OK, here it is:
a) The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ.
b) The realm of this sovereignty.

Now I have some thinking to do on the subject. I think a way we can live in the kingdom is a) by acting like Jesus would. Hard? Very. Necessary? Extremely. How many people could we name that act like Jesus would? How can we model the Kingdom at school, work, or on the street?

I went to a Bible Study Friday night about (kind of) the same thing. For me, modeling the Kingdom might be talking to someone who is eating lunch alone at school, or helping someone find a class...that's all fine and well, but ...IDEA!

I think the Kingdom should start not OUTSIDE the family, but can also happen within. How can we model the Kingdom to our own families this week (whether they be Christian or not, b/c even Christians need a reminder or "kick in the pants" about modeling the Kingdom). Ok, let's start at something this week to show Christ's love at home! Anyone up to the challenge?

Sunday, September 25, 2005 5:51:00 p.m.  
Blogger Michael said...

Ouch! What a challenge, Kim! But then that's the real kicker (not just in the pants), isn't it? Showing Christ's love is so hard, especially at home. What about our church family? How do we model Christ's love there? I know I suck at it. I have a tendency to let my grumpy side take over. I mean, I love all of you very much, but I think I need to show you that love in more tangible ways.

Monday, September 26, 2005 5:29:00 p.m.  
Blogger Cheryl said...

Lots and lots of comments. It's interesting how the discussion has moved from what the kingdom is to how we live in the kingdom, how it is present. It has to be present through the spirit in us, don't you think? Like how can we decide to live a certain way without being one with the holy spirit. So.. I dunno I think it starts in the heart. I was watching it's a new day today and I kinda got the idea that we have to make a place here on earth where Jesus is comfortable, and we have to start with our hearts. (and then moving to our home, community and yes even nation) What is in our hearts that makes Christ uncomfortable, that grieves the holy spirit? Well.. I've discovered 3 significant things in my own life and realized the need to surrender these things everyday to Christ as my Lord, so today's the first day.
On another note, the kingdom is very spiritual. Not in that it is only spiritual, but like spirituality should encompass all of us. This woman Donna Jordan on it's a new day was saying how she even goes to a restaurant and sometimes gets a sense what she shouldn't eat on the menu (because only God knows how it was prepared and she's older and doesn't have time to get sick and God doesn't want us sick) and it all makes so much sense, why shouldn't our spirits be open to leading in all of our life?
I might have written the most so far, and i totally didn't mean to.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:57:00 p.m.  
Blogger jpunk5 said...

does the Spirit lead us to brush our teeth with a certain kind of toothpaste? that is so interesting. i can't even imagine being so connected with the Spirit of God that every choice is mediated. maybe i'm looking at it wrong. perhaps it's that being connected to God fully and completely allows the decisions in your life to flow out of your relationship with God naturally. that's probably more accurate. you have just witnessed a jonathan thought process.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:14:00 p.m.  
Blogger Michael said...

I think the spirit is telling me to stop eating vegtables. (and Mike drags the conversation down a notch). Seriously though, I DEFINITELY think that the Kindgom of God is of the present (I think both spiritually and physically through the lives we live) I don't know about this Spirit choosing my meals thing. I guess I always figured that God gave me intelligence (okay, sometimes)and the abitlity to discern certain things for myself.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:02:00 p.m.  
Blogger Tom said...

I feel fairly certain that God doesn't need us to ask him what to eat or when to brush our teeth. But, and this may be important, a guy named Blaine was once responding to a spiritual question. I don't remember the question, only the answer, which went something like: "I'm not sure if God needs that from us, but everything is within God's power. If you sincerely ask for [in this case, blessing on decision x] there's no reason God won't honour that."

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:51:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so if we have intelligence, what do we need the spirit for? Just a thought

Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:36:00 a.m.  
Blogger Michael said...

Well, intelligence doesn't cover everything. I know that running across the street without bothering about waiting for the lights or even checking is stupid. While I like the idea of being attune with God through the Spirit, I don'think I need the Spirit's guidance for something like that. I do, however, need guidance on things like sensitivity (recognizing when brothers and sisters are hurting or troubled), compassion, and wisdom (knowing when and how to use my intelligence most effectively). In scripture the Spirit descends for a purpose, for a larger reason than individual needs. The apostles get the spirit in order to witness to the people around them.

Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:50:00 a.m.  

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