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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Where's your head at???

All right, I don't know is it's what I'm "learning" as much as things I've been thinking about: Does morality change? My first reaction was "No, of course not. Right and wrong are pretty much set in stone." Then, during the sermon this past Sunday I started thinking. Claude raised "moral" issues when it comes to voting, like the age of sexual consent, polygamy and same sex marriage. These are all issues that Christians tend have strong opinions, but wasn't the marriagable age of young girls as low as 12? (this is a rhetorical question, I know full well it was) Don't most of the Old Testament patriarchs have multiple wives? (again, yup). So why do we in 2006 say it's "immoral" for someone to have multiple spouses or have sex with someone who's 14 when it wasn't in the Bible?


Blogger jpunk5 said...

depending on how you translate things, it seems to me off the top of my head that perhaps same sex relations are addressed more often than things like polygamy and the marriageable age of women. but all these issues are a little different. like the marriageble age of women. this seems really cultural to me, unless some freaky 80 year old wanted to marry a 12 year old. that'd be wierd...ah, but is that cultural. cause mary was probably 14 or 15. heck, my mom was 19 when she was married. most people these days don't get married until they're in their upper 20's early 30's. i guess trends change.

polygamy existed in the old testament, and i can only guess why someone would want more than one wife. it seems crazy to me. (i already have the best one anyway!!) why complicate things. but, in the new testament it seems like that sort of thing would be looked down on. maybe i'm wrong.

same sex relations. well, again, depending on how you translate it, this issue has been in the bible from very early on and into the new testament.

so, do morals change? will it be acceptable to shoot and kill people in 200 years? i doubt it.

but where's the focus in this question? do morals change/what can we eventually get away with? i doubt that's what mike was getting at, but some people may look at it this way. people are able to twist morals and twist the bible any way they want. this allows people to live with a guilt-free conscience, with morality relegated to the recesses of the heart where it can't be felt. heck, i've done it myself. "oh, i can justify this because i've been forgiven for it already." what?? i should read romans again.

well, i went off on tangent, and probably didn't address anything relevant.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006 11:17:00 a.m.  

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