Sacred Cyberspace

Carving out a little piece of cyber-space for a bunch of people to discuss, work through, share real matters of faith.

Friday, March 10, 2006

tom raises a good question from the last post

where is God calling you? i've just been asked that question recently, and though i know that God has called me here i can't really figure out why. also, i can't really figure out if God wants me to do this kind of ministry for life. don't worry y'all, i'm not going anywhere. it's just really really important to ask these questions. where is God calling you? what are you good at? where is your passion?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Up until Oct of this past year I did not think I had a passion. Nothing jumped out at me. Then I had to write a paper for one of my classes at school. I chose to write it on inclusion (of children with special needs). I realized I was passionate about it. I want to empower children who have disabilities to live life with as much freedom and independence as possible. I want them to be able to communicate their needs and desires with others and to be allowed the opportunity to contribute to society. I always thought that when you are passionate about something it would always be a positive experience and that you would feel happy and maybe even warm and fuzzy about it. But that has not been the case for me. My passion has made me angry-not a bad angry but still upset. So what is God going to use my passion for? Am I as passionate about God as I am about children? Are you as passionate about God as you are for other things in your life? How can we discover our passions?

Thursday, March 16, 2006 5:47:00 p.m.  
Blogger jupo said...

in regards to sarah's comment:
i hear ya. i always knew that i liked people and helping them and stuff.... well, where does that bring me?? it's pretty vague. so after giving up on being a teacher, i thought i'd give nursing a try. well God has totally revealed my passion for physiology, how our bodies are created and how they work [yes, i'm a geek]. now i know that God has lead me to where i'm at [in nursing] and how i can integrate these 2 interests of mine. i think sometimes you just gotta pray. and wait.
and pray some more. and sometimes God doesn't say "HEY YOU! GO DO THIS!", sometimes he uses other people to inspire you (kimberly...) and sometimes he just blesses you as you go along.

Thursday, March 23, 2006 1:48:00 p.m.  

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