"[E]very Christian is bound to be in some sense a [person] of prayer." Thomas Merton
I had another opportunity to spend 3 days Sabbath at St Benedict's and I spent much of that time in various "types" of contemplative prayer. I really love going to St. Ben's. I treasure it. I love the sisters and their passion for prayer. There were early morning sessions of centring prayer, lectio divina, prayer of imagination, prayer services, and prayerful walks. Much of it was done in silence, much of it was focussed not on petitions and requests but simply being in the presence of God. Oftentimes I journaled after these experiences of silence and contemplation. Much of the time I tried to figure out how I can continue this prayer-filled life in my busy everyday world. If the purpose of contemplative prayer is to learn to attune ourselves so that we are always aware of God's moving, don't I need that particular understanding in my regular life?
So how do you pray?
I had another opportunity to spend 3 days Sabbath at St Benedict's and I spent much of that time in various "types" of contemplative prayer. I really love going to St. Ben's. I treasure it. I love the sisters and their passion for prayer. There were early morning sessions of centring prayer, lectio divina, prayer of imagination, prayer services, and prayerful walks. Much of it was done in silence, much of it was focussed not on petitions and requests but simply being in the presence of God. Oftentimes I journaled after these experiences of silence and contemplation. Much of the time I tried to figure out how I can continue this prayer-filled life in my busy everyday world. If the purpose of contemplative prayer is to learn to attune ourselves so that we are always aware of God's moving, don't I need that particular understanding in my regular life?
So how do you pray?
Labels: prayer
I don't know.
The concept of prayer as it's portrayed still seems alien to me.
Sometimes I think that all or most of the time I spend mulling and wondering in my own head, is really my prayer time. There may not be anyone around, but it's rare for me to actually feel... alone. If I feel alone it usually means I'm having a really bad time, for whatever reason.
I think prayer must not be as hard as it can seem at times. Even stupid old Logic says it's true; I know God has led me, at least sometimes... maybe often... maybe always. When I feel like I'm stumbling in utter blackness, he shines a light in my eyes. When I feel like I'm drowning, he makes my feet stand on earth. When I feel like I'm falling, he brings a net to cradle me. When I cry out, he saves me even though there's no reason I should survive, no way I could possibly stave off disaster. He breaks the rules of the world for me, it seems. As though the universe were tipped unnaturally in my favour. Maybe it only seems unnatural to me, because this world I live in hypocritically teaches fairness and justice while displaying neither - while displaying the absolute opposite.
I guess I've said before that I thought God was awfully patient with me. It's not unheard-of for me to wonder if I wouldn't really be doing better if he were a little harder on me. Then again, it's even less unheard-of for me to wonder why life's gotta be so rough. I suppose I could hardly be surprised to realize I'm simultaneously too hard, and too easy on myself.
Maybe it's important that prayer is a little mysterious.
Um, not to imply that other forms of prayer are lesser in any way, shape or form.
It's more that I've struggled over the idea of whether I pray at all. On occasion I have been known to wonder darkly if I'm just completely deficient and prayerless, which is simply untrue. At least I'm trying to believe it's untrue. I'm growing in my confidence that, while I could and should pray more and in more ways, I DO communicate with God and I shouldn't keep myself from labelling that as 'prayer'... even if I still have trouble with stuff like praying aloud or in group settings.
Difficulty with certain methods is a lot less scary than true distance from God.
I feel like I often have the approach Tom mentioned. A conversation in my head (that I'd probalby have regardless) to which I invite God. Which is fine, don't get me wrong.
but I like to do more sitting in the presence of God and less chattering at him about my own fears/hopes/happiness.
wow, I think I'm going to have to start getting up earlier again.
I guess it comes down to what's more important. Do I center my life around talking to my Creator, or do I center it around work/school/friends/family?
Looking at my daily choices, it's often centered around the latter.
thanks for the reminder and challenge Mike
You're welcome, Rebs. I have definitely felt, since consciously working on setting aside time for more comtemplative prayer - like Prayer of the Heart or Centring prayer), which focuses on resting in the presence of God as opposed to straight praise and supplication - that I'm a little more intune with the promptings of the Spirit. Nothing earth-shattering or anything, just gentle nudges, like "That person needs prayer" or "That person needs encouragement".
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